Laura Findeiss, M.D.

Director of the Division of Policy and Evidence Review
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Fellowship Profile

Fellowship Year: 2022-2023
Fellowship Placement: House Committee on Energy and Commerce (Minority)
Sponsoring Institution: Academic
Discipline / Profession: Medicine - Radiology , Other (Please specify below): Vascular and Interventional Radiology


Laura Findeiss, MD, MHA has 14 years of experience as a physician practice and hospital operations leader in a variety of
settings and geographic regions. In this capacity, she has developed and led interprofessional and multispecialty teams to
deliver aligned systems improvement. Dedicated to lifelong learning, she has received certification and served as a member of
the Board of Examiners for the Baldrige National Quality Award, is a Lean-Six Sigma greenbelt, and is was a 2022-2023 Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow. She is passionate about thinking differently about healthcare delivery and
believes that a sustainable, appropriately scaled and patient-focused healthcare system is essential for the growth of thriving
communities. Her interests include healthcare payment policy, provider alignment, operational excellence, value-based models
for specialty care, rural healthcare, and private sector innovation as a driver of system transformation.