Selection Criteria

Members of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellows advisory board assess each applicant, based on the following criteria:

• Professional achievements;
• Potential for leadership in health policy;
• Potential for future growth and career advancement;
• Potential for significant contributions to improving health, equity, and well-being in the nation;
• Interpersonal and communications skills;
• Individual plans for incorporating the fellowship experience into specific career goals.

By mid-January of the selection cycle, the advisory board will select finalists from the applicants for in-person interviews in Washington, D.C., which will be held in February. Applicants who are selected for interviews will receive details about the remainder of the process upon invitation.

The Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidates for this fellowship have a record of exceptional professional accomplishment and are a recognized expert within their profession, community, institution, or organization. The fellowship strongly encourages individuals with diverse backgrounds, ideologies, and perspectives to apply. Because of the unique nature of working on Capitol Hill or in the executive branch and the uncertainty that often accompanies the legislative process, individuals who are flexible, team players, and fast learners tend to be more successful. A positive attitude, confidence, sense of humor, humility, listening skills, discretion, and patience are highly regarded. Those with strong emotional intelligence and networking skills will be able to maximize the value of this experience in their subsequent roles as leaders and influencers committed to building a healthier and more equitable future for the nation.